Please find attached a letter from the General Service Office (GSO) of Alcoholics Anonymous. The letter stresses the importance of continuing to give in the spirit of our 7th Tradition …
Area 83: Suggested Best Practices for Online Meetings
Kimberley, the alternate delegate for Area 83, has assembled the following PDFs that provide suggestions on handling online meetings and digital 7th traditions.
Important Zoom Meeting Security Info!
Note: Area 83 has provided a series of PDF documents that outline best practices for online meetings, their security, and how to handle digital 7th traditions. See those documents here. …
Important! Current Phone Schedule in Effect!
Important note! The current phone schedules are still in effect. Groups need to honour their commitment or make arrangements with the Intergroup office by calling (905) 728-1020. By 4 PM …
Letter from General Service Office (GSO) re: COVID-19
Please find attached a letter responding to COVID-19 from the General Service Office (GSO) of Alcoholics Anonymous. In it, they offer suggestions to members and groups rooted in our collective …